For the 6th time – Week #7.1

Hi rest of the world, Training is going fine. Only 4 sessions this week: 44.7k in 2 rides and 16.6k in 2 runs. But this week, something was more important. Nevertheless I am satisfied because my times are improving as I beat my time on a 21k loop by 12 minutes. The donation campaign also…

To encourage – Week #6.4

This is it! My Dreamfuel crowdfunding campaign is now live! Click here and you’ll see how you can help me go on with this journey and keep on telling you crazy exciting inspiring stories. The target is to collect 1978 US$ before June 14th 2014. I am so touched because as you can see, I’ve already received a…

DreamFuel – Week #6.3

World, friends and those of you making the effort to learn English! What’s up? 🙂 6 training sessions this week: 3.1k of swim, 58k of cycling and 15.2k of running. I also restarted strengthening with 4 weekly sessions and a special emphasis on abs and gluteus. As a teenager, I used to do 500 abs…